Sand dune that resembles the desert is located in the southern part of Yogyakarta

Sandbanks, the only one in Indonesia. Sand dune that resembles the desert is located in the southern part of Yogyakarta, namely parangtritis beach. Surely you have never visited, come and take pictures together with great joy in the exotic nature.

Sand dune in Jogjakarta located in Parangtritis and Parangkusumo. Classified attractions are often included in the list of tour packages Jogja tour destination .If you include people from outside Jogja we suggest you should visit here. You can ask the help of tour and travel agent Jogja to help planning a vacation to the area. Sand dune that exist in Yogyakarta is formed from volcanic activity of Mount Merbabu and Mount Merapi. To reach this location, travel time about 40 minutes from downtown Jogja.

Activities and scenery you can find in sand dunes

  • Activity of sand boarding that can be done by using a surf tool considering the structure of the sand in the place is very smooth.
  • Camping an area that can be used to stay with friends to feel the sensation of the desert that can not be obtained in other areas in Indonesia.
  • Area photography that can be used to just take pictures with the closest people and prewedding photoshoot with the couple of the bride and groom.
  • The sunrise and sunset view that can be enjoyed when you decide to stay using a tent in the sand dunes area.

To support various activities in the sand dune, you can get facilities such as:

  • Toilet and musholla are guaranteed cleanliness.
  • Various parking area and health clinic for first aid when you or someone who comes with you is injured.
  • Souvernir shop and a complete food store and can be used to buy gifts before returning to the area of ​​origin.

With the various charms and charms of the desert parangtritis that has been described above, it's good if you use the services of tour and travel Jogja so that the tour can be managed well. Usually the visit to the sand dune of parangtritis is a series with a visit to the beach parangtritis, because remembering the route and the distance between the two adjacent objects. Wait no more, immediately reservation tour package jogja with the destination Gumuk Pasir Parangtritis, and get the best shots with backghround dazzling and you will not get in any area in Indonesia.